Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Day 13 VLCD

Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Weight: 236.2
Down: 2 pounds

Morning: WOW!!!! 2 pounds!!!! I guess hard labor pays off! lol :) Now is this diet crazy great or what? I took my measurements also and will post them midday. Remember where Dr. S. says that the weight and inches come off about the same? Well, I have lost 18 pounds and about the same in inches!! Like Biz's friend JPS, I too measure everthing left and right. I am recommending this to friends and family and I get the feeling most think I'm a bit quacky, but the stats don't lie. Have a good day! :)
Midday: No hunger whatsoever today. It is amazing how much easier this is when you actually have enough HCG in your system!!
Well here goes the loss this week in inches:
chest .5, waist 1.5, hips .25, neck .75, uparm rt 2.75,uparm lft 2.75,F arm rt .5
F arm lft 1.00,Rt Thigh 1.00,Lft Thigh 1.25,Rt Knee 1.25,Lft Knee1.00,Rt Calf 1.00,Lft Calf 1.00 Total Inches: 17 1/2
Now I have checked this 3 times and still come up with the same measurements. That is a total of 22 inches so far! Like I said above, you can't argue with the stats! I guess that is why my pants and undies are drooping on me.
Evening: I plan on eating skinny soup and a beef patty for supper. Gotta go deliver some food to a sick friend. All have a great evening. Oh yeah, I joined the HCG2 group today.:))


Amie said...

What an angel! So sweet for you to think of your sick friend. :) And congrats on all those released inches!

BizBuzz said...

Most awesome stats! WOO HOO FOR YOU!!!! You are doing simply fab!

The stats do NOT lie, keep up with them, they will be your life saver!