Thursday, November 1, 2007

Day 15 VLCD

Thursday, November 1, 2007
Weight: 236.6
Down: .60
Morning: Love that downward movement.:) . I must say, that I still am not hungry. I ate a ground beef patty that I seasoned with spices and Braggs Amino Acids and a "ceasar" salad (romaine) for supper (that's dinner in the deep south). I have a hard time swallowing down the ACV, and I've tried all the recipes, to no avail. Fresh squeezed lemon juice is the base for my dressings. I've not had time to read the blogs this week and I miss them. Wanted to note here because I keep forgetting....From the start I had these little red spots come up all over. I'm not one to get blemishes, so they really irritated me at first. I was scratching all over. But, finally they didn't itch as much. They still pop out every now and then, but they are not bothersome. Maybe a 'side effect" of the "foreign" hcg in my body? You know, come to think of it, when I was pregnant each time (9), the first few weeks I would breakout all over and itch. I had several miscarriages due to "allergic reactions to the fetus". Oh well, my body finally became immune to it all as I did finally carry 4 full term!! TMI!!!! So much for the history lesson and the autobiography!! Gotta get to the bookkeeping. Have a Great Day!


Amy's Blog said...

Hi there grace. Congratulations on your loss! More than half a pound! It's wonderful that you aren't hungry!

Based on your similar experience when pregnancy, it does sound like you are having a mild allergic reaction. This is interesting to me, as I'm allergic to hcg too. At least this is temporary, right?

Hope you have another losing day today!

BizBuzz said...

WOO HOO FOR YOU! Love those numbers going DOWN DOWN DOWN!

How deep south are you? You do know I am in South Carolina yes?